Jennifer  Valenzuela

Jennifer Valenzuela

Sales Representative

Royal LePage Signature Realty, Brokerage

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Jennifer  Valenzuela

Jennifer Valenzuela

Sales Representative

Royal LePage Signature Realty, Brokerage

Email Me

The REALTOR Commitment

The REALTOR Commitment

You’re trusting a REALTOR® with your most valuable possession, your home. REALTORS® take this responsibility very seriously. Here’s what we promise you.

Your REALTOR® is highly trained.

REALTOR® training is so rigorous that candidates often fail the pre-registration courses. Those who do pass must master a long, diverse list of subjects ranging from housing construction to family law.

Your REALTOR® is continuously trained.

We keep pace with the times. All Licensed REALTORS® must take continuing education courses to make sure their knowledge on subjects like legal issues and technology are up to date.

Your REALTOR® does everything by the book.

A licensed REALTOR® must be registered under provincial laws that govern exactly how real estate can and cannot be traded. These regulations are your legal guarantee of professional behavior.

Your REALTOR® is an ethical businessperson.

REALTORS® must adhere to the extensive Code of Ethics of the Canadian Real Estate Association. Several provinces have additional Codes of Ethics governing the behaviour of real estate professionals. Your interests must always be put first.

Your dealings with a REALTOR® are insured.

For your peace of mind, provincial regulators sponsor consumer protection programs that may require, for instance, that REALTORS® maintain Errors and Omissions Insurance. Often deposits consumers make in real estate transactions are also insured under these programs.

Opportunity for recourse.

Should you have concerns about the professional behavior of a REALTOR®, provincial regulators and your local real estate board or association take these matters very seriously and work quickly to resolve any issues.

Your REALTOR ® has access to the real estate board’s Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

The MLS system is the single most powerful tool for buying and selling a home. It is a complex information-sharing and cooperative marketing network created by REALTORS® to help consumers buy and sell homes.


Source:  OREA (Ontario Real Estate Association)

Have Questions?

Hi I’m Jennifer!

I believe the best way to know if you can work with someone is through a feeling you get when meeting them in person for the very first time. If you are reading this page, hopefully, we already had the pleasure of getting to know one another and here is a little bit more for you to know about me.

I have over 25 years of combined business experience; reaching an executive level position in one of Canada's five major banks and as a sales professional with an award-winning Canadian real estate brokerage. Why is this important for you to know? Successful companies reach greatness when their primary focus is on their clients. My entire career has been focused on what I, my team and my company can do to provide a phenomenal customer experience and how we can collectively deliver a consistent, predictable high level of service. In life, I strive to exceed the expectations of everyone I meet; for it is not what I say or do for you; it’s how I make you feel that is most important.

My years of business knowledge and experience has provided me with exceptional skills in sales, negotiations, relationship building and creative marketing. As a designated Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE) and Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist (CLHMS); with proven performance in the luxury real estate market, it is my mission to use these skills and designations to the absolute max and provide you with an outstanding real estate experience.


  • A high level of communication, unwavering commitment, adaptability and patience; so, you are heard, respected and can understand the process throughout our journey.
  • Experience in identifying and executing marketing strategies to attract the right target audience that will buy your home, sell you their home off market or both.
  • A highly skilled sales professional to negotiate the best outcome on your behalf.
  • Confidence that I partner only with trusted experienced professionals to assist you in all aspects of your real estate transaction when needed.
  • Comfort that I am committed to helping you from start to finish until you are ready to do it all over again!


Lastly, I believe that it is not enough to make promises without reinforcing them. I have taken a different approach when it comes to our real estate relationship and provide all my clients with assurances through Jen V Real Estate Service Guarantees.


On a personal note, when I am not busy helping my clients achieve their real estate dreams, I spend most of my time with family. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart; we have two fabulous kids in university and a beloved Boston Terrier that is our pride and joy.

I am excited to work with you and get to know you better as well!

Designation: CLHMS, CNE

Languages Spoken: English, Spanish